Tag Archive: CPS

Best Defence Part Three – Smoke Without Fire

by Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (July 30th 2011) Guarantees The families of murder victim Karen Skipper and her estranged husband Phillip who stood trial wrongly for her murder want a guarantee from the Secretary of State (Minister) of Justice…
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Best Defence Part Two – Innocence

by Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (July 30th 2011) The Rules of the Game The family of murder victim Karen Skipper took a long time to accept that her deceased husband Phillip was innocent, but they are now convinced and…
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Unaddressed Needs – Part One – Flawed Case Scenarios

Fitted In – An Integrated Approach[1] by Satish Sekar © Satish Sekar (June 1st 2011) Introduction There can be no doubt that forensic sciences – and I use the plural deliberately – have advanced in leaps and bounds over the last…
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First Interviews on Radio Cardiff

January 20th 2015 Radio Cardiff Part One Satish Sekar with Georgina Sammut and Shawty Satish Sekar discusses the foundation of The Fitted-In Project and why it was re-established on this Community Radio programme. He explains why the vindication of the…
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by Janet Cunliffe © Janet Cunliffe (January 15th 2015) Labels Being Jordan Cunliffeʼs mum for the last seven and a half years hasnʼt been easy. Not just because I have had to become accustomed to my new title, ʻMother of…
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