The Conscience & Direction (Ethics) Committee, which will consist of at least three members, at least one of whom must be a Trustee, is one of the most important committees of The Fitted-In Project as it will play a crucial part in the running of the FIP and is an integral part of the grievances procedures. Its main responsibility is to ensure that The Fitted-In Project stays true to its principles.
After approval by the UK Project and Activities Committee or the International Projects and Activities Committee the Conscience and Direction (Ethics) Committee will also review the content of each project and activity to ensure that it is consistent with the ideals of The Fitted-In Project. It has the final say on whether an activity or project will be conducted after the matter has been considered by the local committee. If a project or activity is rejected by the relevant local committee, the originator may appeal that decision to this committee, which has the final say.
It is the arbiter of any disputes that occur within projects or activities and its decision is final, although there is an appeals procedure. It can also suggest ideas for projects or activities too, where it will be the responsibility of the Project Manager, appointed by it to run the project or activity.
Richard Adams, Tim Gopsill, Govind Dutt Pullat